

Our team work closely together to get the job done
Industry Experts
20 Years of Experience
Quick Turnaround Time

Our team work closely together to get the job done

Our team follows our specially designed process, ensuring your Certification Project is completed promptly and in line with the current laws, particularly the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Building Code of Australia. Under the Act, our team can assess whether your land and construction proposal for approval through a complying development certificate.

Sydney Wide Certifiers provides Private Certification services and comprises an experienced team of Private Certifiers.

Complying development certificates (CDC)

A Complying Development Certificate (CDC) is issued by a Private Certifier rather than a Development Consent given by the local Council. We will assess the property and its proposed development to determine permissibility to be approved through Complying Development. This assessment is made against the SEPP Code rather than your council development code.

Constructions certificates (CC)

A Private Certifier issues a Construction Certificate on projects that already have Development Consent from the local Council. The certification, combined with a Notice to Commence, allows building work to commence.

Occupation certificates (OC)

The Private Certifier issues an Occupation Certificate at the end of the project to allow the building to be legally occupied.

Strata certification

You will require a Strata Certification if you intend to subdivide or develop the land.

Principal Certifying Authority (PCA)

Before commencing any approved building or construction work, you must appoint a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA).
02 9002 7484

Industry Experts

Providing leading certifications

Our team follows our specially designed process which ensures your Certification Project is completed in a timely manner and in line with the current laws, in particular, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Building Code of Australia. the Act, our team can assess whether your land and construction proposal for approval through a complying development certificate.
Request a fee proposal

Our easy 4 step process

Our team follows our specially designed process which ensures your Certification Project is completed in a timely manner and in line with the current laws, in particular, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Building Code of Australia.


You request a fee proposal

You will fill in an Application Form with required details and we will then provide you with a no obligation Fee Proposal.


We commence the processes

We review all provided documents and request further details if required. We then organise any required Site Inspections.


We complete required inspections

We complete the required Site Inspections and inform you of any further requirements.


We issue the certification

After all required updates are complete, our Principal Certifier will provide the certification.

Our team work closely together to get the job done

Get in touch today

We specialise in Complying Development Certificates (CDC), Construction Certificates (CC), Occupation Certificates (OC) and Strata Certification for residential properties.
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Industry Experts

Our team follows our specially designed process which ensures your Certification Project

Industry Experts

Our team follows our specially designed process which ensures your Certification Project